The uncertainty of today’s economy along with slimmer balance sheets has caused most aviation users and operators to take a harder look at their daily operations and budget. Are you doing everything you can to increase efficiencies across the board within your flight department, are you doing everything you should to ensure your aircraft retains a high value on the market, should you outsource your flight department, are the aircraft in your hangar being properly maintained and pampered, beyond the normal picking up of trash and crossing of seatbelts? If I’m an owner/pilot, is it worth my money to pay a management company, or should I try to do it all myself?

These and many more questions should be crossing your mind if you are an aircraft owner or operator. Each individual operator will have different answers to these questions as each situation varies. What is important is that your aircraft receives proper care, maintenance, remains in compliance with federal regulations, is flown within the airframe and engine limitations, and you as the owner are always in the know about the cost of your current and future operations. This ensures no surprises for you as it relates to dollars and ensures the aircraft retains maximum value when it is time to sell or trade.

If you find yourself asking some of these questions, let me invite you to view SSC’s course on Private Aviation. In this FREE online course, located at, we discuss several topics:

  1. An Introduction to Private Aviation
  2. Non-Ownership Options
  3. Ownership Options
  4. Aircraft Management
  5. Aircraft Maintenance

You will receive one email per day for five days with each topic being discussed. If after these courses, you would like to discuss further, please give us a call at 864.242.3383 or email myself at [email protected]. We welcome the conversation.