Got Bumps?
by Craig Eichmeyer Air turbulence is something all pilots deal with from time to time. Pilots who choose to learn its causes, how it manifests itself and the types of situations, which produce it, are more likely to make positive [...]
by Craig Eichmeyer Air turbulence is something all pilots deal with from time to time. Pilots who choose to learn its causes, how it manifests itself and the types of situations, which produce it, are more likely to make positive [...]
Special Services (SSC) sets forth guidelines and practices for performing aircraft maintenance in SSC Standard Operating Policies and Guidelines Section B, Chapter XXII. The chapter gives general guidance from airworthiness determination, personnel qualifications & training, work environment, tooling, safety and [...]
Our customers include some of the people we most admire. Most of the aircraft in our charter fleet belong to people who fly occasionally but trust us to manage their aircraft and make it available when they don’t need it. [...]
Trust, but verify was a signature phrase adopted and made famous by the late president Ronald Reagan. President Reagan frequently used it when discussing U.S. relations with the Soviet Union. Reagan rightly presented it as a translation of the Russian [...]
From the Director of Maintenance We all read Brad’s newsletter article in the last issue of Perspective about how proper communication is vital to aviation safety. In the article Brad discussed how improper communication between crew, crew to air traffic [...]
Do you feel generally overwhelmed or overloaded? Even if your answer is yes, it may not mean that you have more to do than there is time in the day, but that you simply are not managing time well. Some [...]
Special Services Corporation (SSC)business market is aviation services. SSC is an assembled team of individuals that are responsible to perform the extensive and complex transactions required in the aviation industry. Possibly one of the the most often asked questions today may [...]
From the CEO Turbulent economic challenges to businesses today demand that managers have a panoramic view when balancing operational resources with revenue and cost. As we alluded to in the last issue, the “efficient utilization” of human resources has the [...]
2012 is now in full swing with a little different outlook than previous springs. We are aggressively pursuing opportunities to provide flights to clients that are outside of our historical service region. The market for flight services have evolved over [...]
Greenville, SC SSC recognizes that many businesspeople, especially in the Southeastern United States, have been working a lot more hours and harder than they need to. SSC has launched a campaign to make their jobs easier and their work more [...]