
30 05, 2013

SSC Marketing Q & A

By |2019-01-04T00:14:19+00:00May 30th, 2013|Aircraft Charter, Blog|

Each newsletter publication, I will attempt to answer several questions you as an aircraft owner may have regarding SSC as it relates to the services we provide. The first question below is one that I have heard many times.   [...]

25 03, 2013

Sequestration – No Factor for SSC Clients, GMU Airport Pilots & Visitors

By |2020-05-12T04:43:30+00:00March 25th, 2013|Aircraft Charter, Aircraft Management, Aviation Services, Blog, News|

As Aviation professionals or customers, how does the much talked about sequestration affect us? The Congressional Research Service defines sequestration this way: "In general, sequestration entails the permanent cancellation of budgetary resources by a uniform percentage. Moreover, this uniform percentage [...]

27 12, 2012

Partnerships That Add Value

By |2019-01-04T00:14:26+00:00December 27th, 2012|Blog, Miscellaneous|

SSC partners with reputable aviation companies to bring the most value & support to our clients. One way this is accomplished is through our strategic partnership with USA Aircraft Brokers, Keith Latour. USA Aircraft Brokers Inc. includes  110 brokers nationwide. [...]

19 11, 2012

A Time For Thankfulness

By |2022-03-13T02:31:12+00:00November 19th, 2012|About Us, Blog, Miscellaneous|

  Being thankful is considered being conscious of a benefit being received . . . a state of mind - conscious of your surroundings - appreciating those around you. This time of year we seem to be bombarded by the [...]

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