Aircraft Management

19 06, 2013

Aviation Personnel Profiling

By |2019-01-04T00:14:18+00:00June 19th, 2013|Aircraft Management|

The most common question asked to young people is most likely to be, "What are you going to be when you grow up?" Or maybe, "What are you going to do as a career?" Unfortunately, many times the answers given [...]

11 06, 2013

“Best Power” versus “Best Economy” – Is Low Fuel Flow Really Cheaper Flying?

By |2019-01-04T00:14:19+00:00June 11th, 2013|Aircraft Management, Aviation Services|

When I first started flying Cirrus airplanes, I soon learned of two new terms: "Best Power" and "Best Economy."  These terms referred to the two mixture control settings that were recommended during cruise flight by the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH).  I have experimented with both mixture settings, and [...]

25 03, 2013

Sequestration – No Factor for SSC Clients, GMU Airport Pilots & Visitors

By |2020-05-12T04:43:30+00:00March 25th, 2013|Aircraft Charter, Aircraft Management, Aviation Services, Blog, News|

As Aviation professionals or customers, how does the much talked about sequestration affect us? The Congressional Research Service defines sequestration this way: "In general, sequestration entails the permanent cancellation of budgetary resources by a uniform percentage. Moreover, this uniform percentage [...]

24 09, 2012

Put Your Airplane Back to Work!

By |2019-01-04T00:14:28+00:00September 24th, 2012|Aircraft Management, Blog|

Let’s talk about finding your jet,  turboprop or piston aircraft  a great job that you’ll love. SSC can handle all the details for you! SSC has been  managing aircraft since 1958.  We understand the  importance of having your airplane ready [...]

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