SSC partners with reputable aviation companies to bring the most value & support to our clients. One way this is accomplished is through our strategic partnership with USA Aircraft Brokers, Keith Latour.


USA Aircraft Brokers Inc. includes  110 brokers nationwide. Founder Keith Latour based the company on his experience as a real estate broker. Brad Searls of SSC says, “Keith’s network gives SSC clients the biggest ‘bang for the buck’ when buying or selling aircraft.”

latourLatour  says “Until the 1970s or so, aviation was run by an ‘old boys’ club’ and very inefficient social connections.  I learned more efficient ways of selling assets in my experience as a real estate agent, and brought that experience (and some of the technology) with me when I started USA Aircraft Brokerage.”

“There are three things I really like about doing business with Brad Searls at SSC.

1) He answers the phone

2) He thinks creatively

3) He puts things in writing and absolutely follows through.”

Latour has many years of experience doing business with a lot of people in the aviation industry. And he says that everybody will tell you they do the above three things, but few actually do.

“They give you a bunch of ‘flim flam.’ 
‘Give us a call, we’ll work something out!’ they say.”

But in reality, you end up spending a lot of time playing phone tag, getting a lot of vague promises and references to “policy,” and transactions that expire because the opportunity passed or because you could never find a mutually agreeable arrangement.

“Brad always has my full attention, and that gives him access to the 110 brokers in my network, because he has established a reputation for follow-through and for making things happen in the best interest of everyone involved.”

Every day, SSC customers realize the benefit the many great relationships that SSC has worked hard to establish.